Jane Michelson Vuglar

Ghost me as you will, poem will fly - Disclosure

The Very Now Poems

Climate change, the cost-of-living crisis; corporate greed, insomnia and mortality – yes, they all feature here, delicately interwoven with joyful poems celebrating love, family, food, basking lizards. And angels.

The poems offer shared recognition; words that chime; satisfying rhymes; there’s the quantum poem, Dark Matter; What of Love and Motorbike tell of 21st Century love; Puddings is nothing but puddings, while The Comfort of Chocolate twins global warming with the pleasure of chocolate; Disclosure is a lighthearted take on The Ancient Mariner; there is the essential Cat poem, Cat and Mouse; an unwelcome sexual encounter is transmuted into dark humour in Pigeon Pecked.

Poetry takes words, crumbles them and dunks them in the steaming hot tea (latte if you prefer) of the imagination.


Please contact me directly, or order via a retailer to get a copy of The Very Now Poems!

The Very Now Poems

In the half-light, throaty men mouthed obscene jokes, sang like angels

From the poem Mavis

  • I am the one in the long black coat, looking arty and entranced
    I am the one in the long black coat, looking arty and entranced
  • The Heyday of a Clown
    The Heyday of a Clown

Brain muddles ups and alongs.
I live inside an Escher painting:
my life does not lack drama

From the poem Freeze

Let us love those who love,
Gender-free regardless of binary him and her sets of immaculate towels,
biro blue and tulip pink.

From the poem What of love